Thursday 31 August 2017

Happy Anniversary to the love of my life!

I want you to know that since the day we met I've fallen deeply in love with you. there are no words to express the feeling I I've had in my heart that you came into my life, and how you make every day so special. you are my life, my heart, my soul.
You are my best friend, my one true love, my one and only. I love you more today than I did yesterday, and I'll love you more tomorrow than I do today.
Loving you is the only thing that makes life worth living. Day by day, my love for you becomes overwhelming, and I can't handle it when I don't see or even talk to you every day.
A day without you in my life is like a day without sunshine, a day without food, or a day without air. I need you when I’m cold to keep me warm; I need you in the rain to keep me dry; I need you in my life to keep me happy. You make me feel wonderful. You give me strength when I just can't carry on and I truly treasure that. Every moment spent together is another one of my dreams coming true. 

I was scared to love you at first, out of fear that you would hurt me, but I did and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Now, the only fear I have is waking up and realizing it’s all a dream.
You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Each moment that you and I spend together is so magical that I catch myself smiling for no reason at all.
I thought that I would never find a love that is as strong as ours, but now that we've found each other I know that you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, the person I want to marry, the person I want to have babies with, and the person I want to grow old with. 
Baby, you complete me. You make my life so amazing and I don't know how else to repay you but to love you just as much as you love me. The world is a better place to be because of you.
You make me feel beautiful. Thank you for giving me so much more than I ever could have wanted. I am so thankful for what we have, and for everything we will have. You are the only man I ever want to share my life with. I could never imagine what it would be like if we were to lose each other. I don't even want to think about it. All I want to think of is you. 
You are the love of my life. I love you, and I always will until the day I die. Hopefully, when that day comes, I will still have you by my side and yours will be the last face that I see.
When im older I’ll look back at the ways we argued about things that were so insignificant and we’ll laugh and know that our love was strong enough to overcome every argument. I just want you to know that I'm thankful that you came into my life and I will love you till the end of my days. My love for you will never fade, I’m still crazy about you, baby.
 i love you from the bottom of my heart, 
Love Always,

Friday 18 August 2017

Dear M.m,
I know you've only been gone a couple of hours, and you'll only be gone about 24 hours more,
but I'm sad. I don't like being away from you. I miss you so much already, and the phone roaming situation isn't helping matters.
This is so true: Missing someone isn’t about how long since you’ve seen them or the amount of time since you last talked. It’s about that very moment when you find yourself doing something and wishing they were right there by your side.

come home to me !!!
but I need you to have fun too!!!

love you double white choc chip


Wednesday 21 June 2017

Music to My Soul

It’s been awhile since I got on here to talk to you. First we had the most amazing holiday together, the first of many. Traveling with you, watching you sleep, waking up beside you was my greatest joy of the whole trip. We got to do all things together; we even celebrated your birthday together at one of your favourite restaurants which was beautiful. In the midst of the holiday, I made you sad which was the lowest point for me but I’m happy that despite everything, every argument, every disagreement we go through, we always pull out of it.

One of the hardest part was adjusting to the fact that I will sleep alone the day we got back, made me want to speed up time & start forever with you. Fast forward a bit to when you got to meet the whole clan, they absolutely adore you, it’s ridiculous. The head wants you by his side, and the neck wants you by her side. The joy on their face seeing that you… yes you are the reason why their offspring is happy and in love.

I had to run away on my day because you were not around, not because I couldn’t handle your absence but simply because I would have “died” knowing that you were not there to spend it with me. My birthday present OMG!!! got me dancing & screaming in ways I can’t explain. It’s amazing how you were miles away but still you made me smile endlessly in ways words can’t describe. How amazing it was to get home and hear the clan praying for you, my god. The effect you have on people you come across makes me realise that I’ve the most priceless jewel in the world.

Thank you for being the best genre of music to my soul. Thank you for giving me way more joy that music brings to me. Thank you for giving me a reason to dance. Thank you for been the constant music refreshing my soul. I thank God every day for creating you for me and for making our paths cross. I can’t wait to play this amazing tune with you forever.

Happy World Music Day Muffin.
Forever and a Day

Friday 28 April 2017


Easter, I always looked forward to it when I was little. Mummy used to make me paint eggs and we fried it at the end of the day. I always looked forward to the frying part, yes!!! I like food.

This Easter was different, doing absolutely nothing and the fact was I loved it. The best part was waking up in the middle of the night, rolling over to you and kissing you on your forehead and going back to sleep. The warmth to hold you throughout the night, the baby smell of your hair, the sparkling in your eyes, the way you sleep so innocently, the grunt in your breathe just because your nose was blocked, the way you suck & smile at the same time, everything you did while you slept was beautiful.

I prayed to God every time I woke up and looked at you by my side; how lucky did I get, like she choose me. Mummy look at your son, I have the most beautiful lady laying down by my side. I feel so blessed and I cannot complain.

I can’t wait for us to start our lives together. I love you to the moon and back. I will love you now, I will love you forever and I will love you to eternity 
Always & Forever

Tuesday 4 April 2017

April Fool... but I Will Gladly be One for You

It was the craziest prank anyone has played on me. I was scared, hell I was freaked out and panicking. The peaceful thing was the only fact that I was going on this journey with you and no one else. Throughout the time, my head ran in different directions; how will we survive? What name will we give her since we have decided the boy’s name? Why is she stressing herself in the kitchen? She needs to eat right, screw Fitfam. When will she stop going to work? Will I be an awesome dad? How will we tell our parents? All these things were running in my head. The truth is, all I really cared about was I was going on this journey with you. It was quite hard to put it to words the emotions.

It’s been a long journey to get to this point. Sometimes I get lost in the thought of “why me. Among everyone in the world why did she pick me. Out of the 3 choices you had, you choose me. I look at you and I see my future, I wondered initially if I was good enough, Did I fit her “spec”? Should I fight for her? I made a mistake once by trusting someone else with you, I promise I will never let that happen again. You complete me. You said I looked calm, I was calm because I would have no one else but you. I blame myself for putting you through the pain but on the bright side, joy comes in the morning. I am sorry I was late to tell you how much I cared about you. I am sorry I let you dine with the wolves. I am sorry for every bad experience you had to go through. I wish all your pain was a prank and when I walked in I shouted "April Fool"

I mayn’t know a lot of things now but I know that I was scared to love but you came into my life and you made it so easy to give myself to you. I will fight to make sure that the blue flames of love will never die out. I want to spend forever with you. You are my every thought. You are perfect for me and I don't care what anyone says. I love you. I will love you more tomorrow. I will love you forever and always.  

Saturday 25 February 2017

Broken Promise...

Have you ever felt so disappointed in yourself? That deep burn in your guts knowing that you messed up. Not just to yourself but to the one you love, I feel that now. Maybe that’s why I am still awake. Maybe that’s why even when you were laying down beside me, I still felt the unrest in my soul.

Here is the truth. I NEVER make promises; not because I can’t keep them just for the mere fact that I don’t want to ever disappoint anyone. I made a promise to you to stick by you through thick and thin, through good and bad, through happy times and sad ones but I failed you today. I let my ego, arrogance and stupidity get in the way. I left you even when I should have stayed closer to you. I made you cry which broke my heart because I hate when I see you that way. To be honest, I don’t know what got me more, the disappointed look you had in your eyes or the demeanour about how irritated you felt to be around me or the pain that you were going through and I felt you were trying to bottle up because saying it would have made the matter worse. I feel so lost for the first time in this. This is the first time I felt so scared because I felt like you were about to leave and walk out. This is the first time I am crying within me and trust me it’s worse than crying out.  

M, I am sorry. I wish there were words to express how sorry I am. I am laying down in this emptiness, I can smell you on my sheets and I have mixed feelings: one, that I was almost close to losing that smell and two, how I miss you so much. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel you were not important to me because that is biggest disappointment I can ever show you.

You are the most important person to me and I don’t take that for granted. I love you so much and I never want you to feel like the way you felt today. I’m sorry I broke the promise I made to you. I wish I could take back the hands of time and correct this mistake. I am not a perfect man babe but God knows I am working hard towards it.

I love you so much and from the deepest part of my heart I am sorry I broke my promise.