Friday 28 April 2017


Easter, I always looked forward to it when I was little. Mummy used to make me paint eggs and we fried it at the end of the day. I always looked forward to the frying part, yes!!! I like food.

This Easter was different, doing absolutely nothing and the fact was I loved it. The best part was waking up in the middle of the night, rolling over to you and kissing you on your forehead and going back to sleep. The warmth to hold you throughout the night, the baby smell of your hair, the sparkling in your eyes, the way you sleep so innocently, the grunt in your breathe just because your nose was blocked, the way you suck & smile at the same time, everything you did while you slept was beautiful.

I prayed to God every time I woke up and looked at you by my side; how lucky did I get, like she choose me. Mummy look at your son, I have the most beautiful lady laying down by my side. I feel so blessed and I cannot complain.

I can’t wait for us to start our lives together. I love you to the moon and back. I will love you now, I will love you forever and I will love you to eternity 
Always & Forever

Tuesday 4 April 2017

April Fool... but I Will Gladly be One for You

It was the craziest prank anyone has played on me. I was scared, hell I was freaked out and panicking. The peaceful thing was the only fact that I was going on this journey with you and no one else. Throughout the time, my head ran in different directions; how will we survive? What name will we give her since we have decided the boy’s name? Why is she stressing herself in the kitchen? She needs to eat right, screw Fitfam. When will she stop going to work? Will I be an awesome dad? How will we tell our parents? All these things were running in my head. The truth is, all I really cared about was I was going on this journey with you. It was quite hard to put it to words the emotions.

It’s been a long journey to get to this point. Sometimes I get lost in the thought of “why me. Among everyone in the world why did she pick me. Out of the 3 choices you had, you choose me. I look at you and I see my future, I wondered initially if I was good enough, Did I fit her “spec”? Should I fight for her? I made a mistake once by trusting someone else with you, I promise I will never let that happen again. You complete me. You said I looked calm, I was calm because I would have no one else but you. I blame myself for putting you through the pain but on the bright side, joy comes in the morning. I am sorry I was late to tell you how much I cared about you. I am sorry I let you dine with the wolves. I am sorry for every bad experience you had to go through. I wish all your pain was a prank and when I walked in I shouted "April Fool"

I mayn’t know a lot of things now but I know that I was scared to love but you came into my life and you made it so easy to give myself to you. I will fight to make sure that the blue flames of love will never die out. I want to spend forever with you. You are my every thought. You are perfect for me and I don't care what anyone says. I love you. I will love you more tomorrow. I will love you forever and always.