Wednesday 21 June 2017

Music to My Soul

It’s been awhile since I got on here to talk to you. First we had the most amazing holiday together, the first of many. Traveling with you, watching you sleep, waking up beside you was my greatest joy of the whole trip. We got to do all things together; we even celebrated your birthday together at one of your favourite restaurants which was beautiful. In the midst of the holiday, I made you sad which was the lowest point for me but I’m happy that despite everything, every argument, every disagreement we go through, we always pull out of it.

One of the hardest part was adjusting to the fact that I will sleep alone the day we got back, made me want to speed up time & start forever with you. Fast forward a bit to when you got to meet the whole clan, they absolutely adore you, it’s ridiculous. The head wants you by his side, and the neck wants you by her side. The joy on their face seeing that you… yes you are the reason why their offspring is happy and in love.

I had to run away on my day because you were not around, not because I couldn’t handle your absence but simply because I would have “died” knowing that you were not there to spend it with me. My birthday present OMG!!! got me dancing & screaming in ways I can’t explain. It’s amazing how you were miles away but still you made me smile endlessly in ways words can’t describe. How amazing it was to get home and hear the clan praying for you, my god. The effect you have on people you come across makes me realise that I’ve the most priceless jewel in the world.

Thank you for being the best genre of music to my soul. Thank you for giving me way more joy that music brings to me. Thank you for giving me a reason to dance. Thank you for been the constant music refreshing my soul. I thank God every day for creating you for me and for making our paths cross. I can’t wait to play this amazing tune with you forever.

Happy World Music Day Muffin.
Forever and a Day