Monday 26 September 2016


I need to stay distracted. I need to occupy my mind. She is constantly on my mind. Its only been a few hours and I feel like I can't breathe. What's so different about today? I am always at work and she is far away and I manage to stay focused, but there is something about today. I think it's the fact that I will not see her today. The fact that even if I do a drive-by and wait outside her house, she will not come out to meet me. I stay here just starring at my phone, looking and admiring her pretty face, her smile, those eyes yessss!!!!! those eyes, watching her talk or even hearing her laugh.
M, if you are reading this I want you to know that you are the greatest gift to me, you are my joy, happiness and my heartbeat. Even though you are not around, I can still feel your presence. It's amazing the kind of effect you have. I have told you before that you are half human, half amazing. Maybe I need to change that because everyday I feel like you are more amazing and less of a human being.
I want you to know that regardless of space or distance or time zone I will always love you. Here is to Forever and a Day.

Saturday 24 September 2016

...Looking For It

I used to hate watching romantic movies, not because they were not nice or funny but just for the fact that I feel like it doesn't make sense. The reason is I don't believe there is such a thing as happy endings, like it's all a LIE!!! Yes that was me in 2013. Fast forward to 2016 when I met M, my gawd my opinion has changed, now I am the one looking for romantic movies and series all round the place.

For the first time in my life, I find myself doing things I used to abuse couples for doing. I feel like I have to see her face everyday. I want to hear her voice every time because her voice calms the storm of my day. So after some bad experiences, I stopped looking for love. I decided to just relax and enjoy my life. All of a sudden, there was just lady who got to me, I saw her the first time and I went home talking about her little did I know that she will become my world.

She is like my prefix, she always comes first, like Cinderella and I have been with the missing shoe. The things I like about her are the tiny things: the smile on her face when she sleeps or the look she makes when she wants to say something mean or the way she does her funny dance when she is excited. If there is something I have learnt from her is its alright to fight for what you want and I am glad I found it and I fought  for it.

The thing I love about her the most is how her imperfections make her so perfect for me, how we can be silent yet communicate a millions words, how I can listen to her heartbeat or taste her lips and know what she is thinking. M... I went looking for something and I found everything in you.   

Friday 23 September 2016

Musical Chairs

....round and round we go.

Such a funny thing, this thing called love. Sometimes it hits you so unexpectedly, leaving you agapingly blindsided. And when you finally pick your jaw off the floor, you realise it had been there, right in front of you the whole time. How could you have been so blind? You didn't you see it coming. You start to question your sanity. But recently, it hit me. This thing called Love is a lot like a game of musical chairs.

Love is like musical chairs; it has you going round in circles.
Love is like musical chairs; it's all fun and games, until it's not.
Love is like musical chairs; everyone is running around and then the music stops and everyone wants a seat.
Love is like musical chairs; nobody wants to lose.
Love is like musical chairs; you're always strategising and plotting your next move.
Love is like musical chairs; we often underestimate our competitors.
Love is like musical chairs; one wrong move and you're out.

Love is like musical chairs; you only win if you're willing to stick it out till the end.
Love is like musical chairs; you don't realise that there's only one chair left until the music stops.
Love is like musical chairs; final round- two people, one chair, music stops:BOOM! Game over.
Love is like musical chairs; my soundtrack is Beyonce's "Love on Top".

Love is like musical chairs...and m.m, I'm dancing just for you!

Thursday 22 September 2016

Dear M

So I'm not much of a storyteller but let me tell you a story;
It was not the typical boy meets girl, they fall in love and they live happy ever after. No... this was different.

I had seen her but you know when she is so beautiful, sophisticated at the same time flawless that all of a sudden your confidence goes from 100 to minus real quick. Yesssss... I said minus. So I stayed and watched her, as other men approached and she became close to them. There are a couple of things I learnt from my mum - If you want anything in life, go for it; If its yours, its yours. Mehn... I wish I got that kind of confidence mama was talking about.

Anyway, it was one of those days where she finally notices me, and guys let me tell you when she sat down beside me, my mouth just went dry. I felt like she came and took all the air that was in that space for me to breathe. I somehow regained myself and we started talking. Our conservation was so beautiful that I felt we spoke for only 5 minutes but fam 45 minutes had gone by and we didn't notice until she had to leave.

After she left, I started anticipating our next conversation, I felt like a kid after his mum had taken him to his favourite candy store and had to drag him out. Ok.. Ok.. will round up because I feel I can go on and on to describe it. We got closer with each passing day, I loved her mind, how she saw things, the way she reacted. She became my happy place, the one I want to talk to first in the morning and last at night. She is my addiction, my only team mate, my "gloves off- nails out" lady when need be, she is my PI, my friend, my lover, she is my everything and I love her.

If she reads this I want her to know that she is the best thing to happen to me. She has made me understand the feeling of what love is.  

                                                                                                                      Forever and a Day

Dear M.M

The one I love has a heart,
Not of silver or gold.
His heart is much more precious,
Made of a touch of gentleness
And the finest kindness.
He gives me gifts, 
Not of flowers or diamonds
But of respect and everlasting trust.
-Najwa Zebian-

M.m, you are my everything.
I'm rarely speechless, but my Ghad!
(the way you say it)
You are galaxies and hurricanes 
Right here in the palm of my hand
And I cannot help but be left breathless...

Always and forever