Friday 23 September 2016

Musical Chairs

....round and round we go.

Such a funny thing, this thing called love. Sometimes it hits you so unexpectedly, leaving you agapingly blindsided. And when you finally pick your jaw off the floor, you realise it had been there, right in front of you the whole time. How could you have been so blind? You didn't you see it coming. You start to question your sanity. But recently, it hit me. This thing called Love is a lot like a game of musical chairs.

Love is like musical chairs; it has you going round in circles.
Love is like musical chairs; it's all fun and games, until it's not.
Love is like musical chairs; everyone is running around and then the music stops and everyone wants a seat.
Love is like musical chairs; nobody wants to lose.
Love is like musical chairs; you're always strategising and plotting your next move.
Love is like musical chairs; we often underestimate our competitors.
Love is like musical chairs; one wrong move and you're out.

Love is like musical chairs; you only win if you're willing to stick it out till the end.
Love is like musical chairs; you don't realise that there's only one chair left until the music stops.
Love is like musical chairs; final round- two people, one chair, music stops:BOOM! Game over.
Love is like musical chairs; my soundtrack is Beyonce's "Love on Top".

Love is like musical chairs...and m.m, I'm dancing just for you!

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