Thursday 22 September 2016

Dear M

So I'm not much of a storyteller but let me tell you a story;
It was not the typical boy meets girl, they fall in love and they live happy ever after. No... this was different.

I had seen her but you know when she is so beautiful, sophisticated at the same time flawless that all of a sudden your confidence goes from 100 to minus real quick. Yesssss... I said minus. So I stayed and watched her, as other men approached and she became close to them. There are a couple of things I learnt from my mum - If you want anything in life, go for it; If its yours, its yours. Mehn... I wish I got that kind of confidence mama was talking about.

Anyway, it was one of those days where she finally notices me, and guys let me tell you when she sat down beside me, my mouth just went dry. I felt like she came and took all the air that was in that space for me to breathe. I somehow regained myself and we started talking. Our conservation was so beautiful that I felt we spoke for only 5 minutes but fam 45 minutes had gone by and we didn't notice until she had to leave.

After she left, I started anticipating our next conversation, I felt like a kid after his mum had taken him to his favourite candy store and had to drag him out. Ok.. Ok.. will round up because I feel I can go on and on to describe it. We got closer with each passing day, I loved her mind, how she saw things, the way she reacted. She became my happy place, the one I want to talk to first in the morning and last at night. She is my addiction, my only team mate, my "gloves off- nails out" lady when need be, she is my PI, my friend, my lover, she is my everything and I love her.

If she reads this I want her to know that she is the best thing to happen to me. She has made me understand the feeling of what love is.  

                                                                                                                      Forever and a Day

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