Sunday 15 January 2017

Letter to Mummy...

I am sitting on this couch watching TV and all I can think about is mummy.

See mummy has a cold and a cough. I’m worried about her because she doesn’t look and behave like herself. I’m angry because I can’t even help her out or take the pain away. Son, I want to tell you something and it will probably be the first thing I teach you; pray you find a woman like your mummy who will make you understand what love is. Love really does exist. All you need to do is find the one who makes you understand it, breathe it, long for it, makes you fight for it and makes you understand that it is the best thing that will ever happen to you.

My princess, you have to learn and grow a heart as golden as my queen and your mother. To understand that whatever you go through in life, you can take the lessons and let it make you a better person, to understand that no matter what it is it should never get you down. Pick yourself up, dust yourself, adjust your outfit and move on.
And to my queen, I love you endlessly. Thank you for making me understand what love is. thank you for our beautiful kids. Thank you for teaching me that you have to fight and go to war if need be for what you love. Thank you for loving me and making me believe that fairy tales are real.

I love you more than the moistest. I love you in sickness and in health. I love you for richer and for poorer. I love you in good and bad times. I love you in happiness, in sadness, in angry, in moody, in hype, I love in all the moments you can’t describe.

I love you infinity times infinity. 

Thursday 5 January 2017

A Shades Of Beautiful Colours...

How will you think you have no colour? Have you looked at yourself?

You are like a rainbow, beautiful with all your colours. Remember how the rainbow was created, it was created because of a promise the Big Guy made to a such a new and wonderful creation. That’s what you have always been, a wonderful being. You have always had colours like the guy with the rainbow blazer or coat. Someone just said you only attract what you are or ready to handle. So never think your life was gray because do you know how many people came into your life, fought to even be in your life because they saw the beautiful colours within you.

The truth is this, I saw the colours radiating around you but I looked and I saw my former self and I knew that it was all a front. So, let me tell you something you already know; I used to smile on the outside but I cried on the inside, I used to have a colour around me but inside I was pitch black, so that’s why I could see beyond the colours radiating around you. Over the dark days, I found out that if you could change the inside, everything else will fall in place.  It’s funny how someone thought you like projects, maybe he was right but your last "project" was also going to fix you as well.

You can’t give what you don’t have so this is what I think happened; me on one hand gray on the outside and colourful on the inside and you colourful on the outside, grey on the inside. The moment we found each other, the exchange started to take place and that’s why from the moment we got talking there was no going back. I hear that opposite attract and that’s what happened. We became one, a perfect blend of colours both inside and outside. The more we got to know each other, the more the gray colour had to disappear. The more we laughed together, the more genuine it became, the more time we spent together I knew that this love would last forever. For the times, I looked into those eyes it was clear that I will never find anyone quite like you.

Love is like a river, a never-ending stream. It feels a rush of wind about to lift me up. When will the honeymoon phase pass? You are always like a lightbulb when you talk about her, they asked; My response was simple, I don’t think it will ever pass, we are too crazy about each other and the memories we want to create that it will take a lifetime for it to end. I wonder sometimes what were they thinking to let you go, why were they so selfish or blind not to see the grey parts and want to colour it out? I wonder sometimes by the time they wake up from their horror dream would they want to come back.

Here's the thing, I have lived a horrible dream & reality, I have had so much darkness not even gray, but pitch black, I have seen the light in you and I never want to go back. I know now that I’m home and I’m not going anywhere. My life right now is colourful and I like how we are growing constantly together. You are my happiness and every time I talk to you, look at you, hold you, kiss you, I know that I have found my future.

So, come a little closer baby, come a little closer, let me whisper in your ear. Let me tell you something softly, so that no one else will hear. What I want to tell you is private and is just between us two; just want you to know that you are my life, my everything, my present, my future and I love you now, I will love you more tomorrow, I will love you forever and I will always love you till our days on earth are over… and I will love you even beyond that as well

Wednesday 4 January 2017


Before you, my world was grey.
Except, to my eyes, it was normal,
this lack of colour was acceptable, relatable; 
my world was a lack of all that was vibrant and right.

Then you entered my life, 
like mellow and relaxing music,
like a comfortable atmosphere,
you surrounded me and put me at ease,
thereby allowing snippets of colour to be injected into the monotony that was my day after day after day.

I heard your voice and listened to you laugh once again.
I read your words, they touched me and brought back memories buried deep within my subconscious.
You lifted me up,
placed me next to you and commenced to tell me things about myself that I had forgotten.
Things no one else had noticed, things no one else cared about.

More colours, more lights, into a world that had long since forgotten their meanings.

And I adored you;
I was amazed with your actions and your wit,
your love and your abilities.
And I saw you, took in the handsome smoothness of your face,
looked into the brown eyes that captivated me so.
I held your hand, was struck by the realization that my love was as solid for you as your hand in mine.

You guided me with love…
and the life of the colours I had dismissed, were brought back in full flow.

I was dizzy from watching them,
but you held me steady and delighted in seeing my childlike wonder in the new world we discovered.

I now live a life filled with a vast array of colours,
bright flashing lights,
a life that I enjoy so much and have grown  fond of…
a life with you.

When we're apart, I feel like I'm in hell,
comprised of cold and desolate plain, 
where there is nothing but grey and lifelessness to be seen,
I miss you with the fiercest passion.

And to alleviate the pain, I spend my time plotting.

Plotting my life with you.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Daydreaming About You...

At first I said it was a lie that this feeling will pass and fade away. I kept denying it because I guess I’m not used to getting the girl or having anything good but I guess I was stubborn this time. Maybe because I was tired of losing, or maybe because you gave me a reason to fight or maybe I just had nothing to lose.

Passion would flare and foes would be made but I didn’t care all I wanted was to give my best and if I lost, I know I gave my all and I lost with my head held high. True love can change a rivers course, or pierce the strongest vault with ease. True love can turn coal into gold, or tame the storm to a calm breeze. Time has passed but still my feelings are the same today as they were on that very first day I set my eyes on you. The look on your face when we actually “first kissed”, the smile on my face when I opened the card saying “Boyfriend”, the first time I rolled over and you were beside me, the taste of your lips, the tender touch of your hands in mine.

He calls out my name; where did your mind go, he asked. I just smiled knowing that my reality was just as beautiful as I was daydreaming about you. (Based on a few hours ago)

Sunday 1 January 2017

Clock watching

My love, I cannot stand this.It is just too hard to be away from you. I am usually okay, but at times like this (especially tonight) it just becomes too much to bear. I cannot sleep tonight from thinking of you.
Each day that passes makes our love for each other grow stronger. Although I know it’s hard for us to be apart, distance means so little when you love someone so much. I know there is nothing that can keep us apart forever. Our desires will continue to stretch across any distance, over every mountain between us. 

Starting Chapter 1 With You

It’s literally going to be the best year yet. Last year you came into my life after the first quarter and the year ended on a high. Now imagine starting the year with you in my life. I look forward to new memories we would create, more mischief that we would do together, more outings, more laughter, more praying together. I look forward to all the moments we would spend together.

Thank you for making last year amazing. I’m sure this year will be better for the both of us by God’s grace. Thank you for giving my life meaning, for giving me so much happiness that I can ever imagine, for the love so unconditionally it overwhelms me most of the time. Here is my promise for the next 365 days; I will love you more than I did each and every day, we will fight and argue but it will never get part that day, I will be by your side through it all: good & bad, I will be your knight and shining armour and will go to war if you need me to, we will depend so much on the Big Guy this year that our love will grow stronger better than last year, I will always look at you like you are the only one I see, the most beautiful lady in the world, we will laugh, smile and cry if need be.

I love you so more babe and I want to use this medium to tell you Happy New Year Wifey

Ringing in the New Year

Happy New Year my darling M.m.
I'm so excited for what this new year has in store for us.
I'm so glad that I get to start this new chapter with you.
When I look back on 2016, I will always cherish the sweet memories that we shared,
The weird things we indulged in together,
The mischievous acts we performed, and the love you've given me.
I know you'll continue being an essential part of my life in 2017 and the rest of my life.
Your love has given me the courage to walk the less-travelled paths,
And to be the person I have always wanted to become.
Love can act in strange ways.
It made me laugh, it made me cry,
It gave me happiness and sometimes brought tears to my eyes,
But I know it will last till the end of time.
Today represents a wonderful start to another beautiful year,
Which would not have been possible with out your love and support.
Thank you for always showering your care on me, my sweetheart.
🍾here's to the next 365 days of  incorruptible love,
Contagious laughter, unprecedented success 
And joy that knows no bounds.
Happy New Year babe !