Tuesday 3 January 2017

Daydreaming About You...

At first I said it was a lie that this feeling will pass and fade away. I kept denying it because I guess I’m not used to getting the girl or having anything good but I guess I was stubborn this time. Maybe because I was tired of losing, or maybe because you gave me a reason to fight or maybe I just had nothing to lose.

Passion would flare and foes would be made but I didn’t care all I wanted was to give my best and if I lost, I know I gave my all and I lost with my head held high. True love can change a rivers course, or pierce the strongest vault with ease. True love can turn coal into gold, or tame the storm to a calm breeze. Time has passed but still my feelings are the same today as they were on that very first day I set my eyes on you. The look on your face when we actually “first kissed”, the smile on my face when I opened the card saying “Boyfriend”, the first time I rolled over and you were beside me, the taste of your lips, the tender touch of your hands in mine.

He calls out my name; where did your mind go, he asked. I just smiled knowing that my reality was just as beautiful as I was daydreaming about you. (Based on a few hours ago)

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