Sunday 1 January 2017

Starting Chapter 1 With You

It’s literally going to be the best year yet. Last year you came into my life after the first quarter and the year ended on a high. Now imagine starting the year with you in my life. I look forward to new memories we would create, more mischief that we would do together, more outings, more laughter, more praying together. I look forward to all the moments we would spend together.

Thank you for making last year amazing. I’m sure this year will be better for the both of us by God’s grace. Thank you for giving my life meaning, for giving me so much happiness that I can ever imagine, for the love so unconditionally it overwhelms me most of the time. Here is my promise for the next 365 days; I will love you more than I did each and every day, we will fight and argue but it will never get part that day, I will be by your side through it all: good & bad, I will be your knight and shining armour and will go to war if you need me to, we will depend so much on the Big Guy this year that our love will grow stronger better than last year, I will always look at you like you are the only one I see, the most beautiful lady in the world, we will laugh, smile and cry if need be.

I love you so more babe and I want to use this medium to tell you Happy New Year Wifey

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