Friday 11 November 2016

Focus and Scales

So, I have learnt this new trick, it’s called Focus.

I could do it but with this new trick it allows me to stay in the zone and also be happy.

I’m not having a good day but to be honest I’m not letting it get to me. I am just staying focused. The beauty about this is I am locked on just one thing; the thought of M, seeing her face, watching her smile, holding her hand and kissing her.

She is engraved in my every thought. I was a conversation with someone yesterday and the person said relationships have a way of making us either complete or broken. I said I totally get that because I’ve been at both ends of the scale. The first end which is broken starts off like you are whole and complete but gradually you realise just like a mug broken but just gummed together starts to sip out the contents in it and after a while it breaks. It leaves you sad, depressed and confused. You feel like you are not good enough and you don’t deserve anything life has to offer but the other end which is complete; you feel fulfilled, happy and like an immortal. There is a certain superhero swag you have in you, the way you walk, the way you think, the feeling envelopes you so much that people wonder sometimes what’s he on?

I used to be at the first end, I was broken, lost and felt like there was no hope. I saw you and I wished but the thing I have noticed is the universe has its own plan and when it is time, it works in your favour. I was finally noticed in spite of all the distractions, challenges, dudes, ladies in our path, we found each other, she finally saw me.  I’m at the complete end and I wonder sometimes how I survived at the opposite end. How was my life without you? Let me tell you this M, you complete me and because of that I will tell the whole world how love is really the most powerful emotion in the world because I’ve experienced it first-hand.

 You came into my life and gave it meaning. You lighten my world, you are an amazing beautiful, smart and perfect lady. I think that’s why God bought you into my life, to fix the cracks and show me that there is still a rare piece of gem that you’ve not seen. I created her on the 7th day while I was resting, He really saved the best for last and I am thankful every day. It gets scary somethings because I look or think about you and you and more than I asked Him for. I get scared because you are too good to be true, I feel sometimes that you are too good for me, like what have I done to deserve the most beautiful woman I have seen. I get scared because I don’t ever want to live a day without, I want you in my life forever and some days. I want to grow old with you, come home to see your smile and our two mini muffins.

M, I promise you I will love you with everything in me, I will care for you, I will always hold your hand and let you know I am beside you through life, I will always kiss your forehead to let you know that you are never alone and we will always be a team. 
Always and Forever

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