Tuesday 1 November 2016



You literally swept me off my feet yesterday. I thought I had 5 days and 4 nights to see you but in the midst of all the madness, you show up; Like you were exactly there.  My heart was racing, I was blushing, confused, happy, surprised, overwhelmed all at the same time. I used to think I was crazy. The scary part is I think I was wrong because I am getting my crazy from you. Babe, I think you are crazy and I mean that in the amazingly crazy way that you are.  Every day I look at you, I smile because you are my happiness. You give me so much joy and that’s why I’m not scared to let you know how I feel or show you my vulnerability.

Thank you for coming into my life. Yesterday was one of the reasons why I love you because of the things you do that you don’t realise you are doing. I loved how plans changed with you. Thank you for being my happiness, my joy and my excitement. Throughout yesterday with every moment we spent together I saw the reason why I had to fight, saw God’s plan to make me happy, I saw my future and mini muffins running around.

I love you M. Thank you for bringing colour into my life.

Always and Forever

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