Thursday 17 November 2016

The key

For every echo of hurt I've felt,
For every ounce of neglect given to me at the expense of showing love to the wrong people,
Just know, for you and our future family,
I will love that much harder.

For every time you weren't acknowledged for the beautiful soul you are,
For every time you were forced to second guess your worth,
Just know, I will make up for what you didn't receive and love you to the point that you see why others didn't return and weren't fit to rescue your heart;
And that's because my return and refund of passion was all you needed to want, and all you will ever want to need.

For everything others were not,
I want to be.
Not just because, or to dive into your heart only to disappoint you like others have done too many times before.
But because I know you and our future family deserve to be valued and loved for eternity.
And fortunately, unlike others, I have the secret key to making you happy
Which is ... giving you all of me.

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