Thursday 29 December 2016

Here Is A Toast...

I look at you as if you are the only girl around. You are so important to me and I will never let you go. You've shown me how to live, how to smile, what to say, how to react. You've shown me every day that I’m worth it and what love it.

Your value in my life is more than all the world's treasures. I would always build you up and not tear you down. You will forever be admired for her endless love & care towards me, and looked upon as a priceless gift from the Big Guy. I treasure each day as if it were our last, and at the end of your life you won't be regretting your past because you met me and you have given my life a purpose. It was a big day for you and I’m sorry I couldn’t surprise you by showing up but today was another confirmation that you are an amazing strong woman and I am so proud of you. You are the apple of my eye, the reason that I live. M, you are all that I wished for and more. I give my heart to you because you are special. These words I have been writing is to thank you for always being my friend, my best friend, my confidant, my lover, my wife, my support system, my adviser, my eating buddy, my teammate. 

You are my sunshine in the morning, your eyes are stars that's in my sky. You stand always by my side, no matter what. You comfort me with steadfast love each and every day. I know sometimes I always seem so needy, and asking you to do one more thing for me *close face in shame* I feel so greedy. Don’t know how to ever thank you for all you have done for me? I can only give you all of my heart, and love you endlessly.

You are the one I love the most and since I wasn’t there for the event I propose a toast; May we grow old and still have fun because I love you to infinity over infinity and my heart you've forever.
Always and Forever

1 comment:

  1. 😢
    You're so amazing babe.
    I ask myself each day what I could have ever done to deserve you.
