Tuesday 27 December 2016

The Journey

All through the journey I thought about you. If you were okay? What were you doing now? I miss you so much babe. I got quite emotional even when I figured she was not snooping around but was doing your bidding. Your thoughtfulness, the fact that you are miles away but yet you are surprising me.

I started reading the history of our conversations and I found out that you have been an amazing human. We have not changed in our conversation instead I feel like we have become more open and honest. I was also reading our book on the journey and I feel like I have studied this book before because I’ve been following the book according. This makes me realise that you are the one for me. The one I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one I want to be the mother of my two kids. The one I want to grow old with. I have come in contact with a lot of people but what I have and what we shared, I don’t want it with any other person but you.

M, you are my everything. For every bad experience, I have been through you have made me feel safe and secure about myself. For every heart break and pain, you have comforted me and given me a brand-new reason to love. I was scared to let me in but you gave me assurances that you got me. I see that every day in the way you behave and act, in the way you love me or look out for me, in the way you are willing to fight and be my support system.

I love you for being my everything. I miss you so much every day and it makes me countdown to when I will see your pretty face, your captivating smile, to hear your giggle and see you do our hyper dance. I can’t wait to start spending forever with you as my wife. I like the sound of that, my wife.
Always and Forever

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