Thursday 29 December 2016

I Just Want To Be With You

I am missing my rib. It’d day 6 and I miss my baby. I feel like we were both incomplete pieces and we have each other to make a very unique piece. Everyday there is a smile on my face because even the fact that you are miles away, I can still feel your presence; in your voice, your letters, your messages.

I’m literally counting down days to see you again. You are my heart, my soul, my air. Thinking of you always brings a smile to my face. Recently I find myself talk about you all the time, you are my definition of love, you have brought so much joy to my life. Today is a big day for you and I feel sorry that I am not there with you, to help you out, to make sure you are okay, to make sure you are not stressed, to make sure that you are smiling even when someone is trying to irritate you.

M, if I thought for just one moment that this would be my last breath, I'd tell you I'll love you always and forever, even beyond death. If I had just one moment that your face would be the last I'd see, I'd take a billion pictures and save them just for myself so I can keep admiring the most beautiful lady in the world. If I thought for just one moment that my heart would beat its last beat, I'd thank God for allowing us to meet.  Before I met you, I felt that I couldn’t understand love, that nobody would be able to fill the void in my heart, but everything changed when I met you... Then I came to realize you were always on my mind. You're funny and sweet, you make me laugh and smile, you take away all my anger and sadness. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, more beautiful than any flower that I have ever seen in reality or in the movies, you made me weak when I talked to you, then I have found myself writing and expressing myself to you. I want to slip a note in your bag before the dinner but I guess this is my way of doing that since I am not there. Now, I have come to realize that I am hopelessly in love with you.

When I say, I love you, believe it's true. When I say forever, know I'll never leave you. When I say goodbye, promise me you won't cry because the day I'll be saying that will be the day I die. So know this I will love you forever M, I will be by your side till the end, in the midst of all fights and future arguments I want you to know that I am sorry and I love you regardless. 

Can't wait to be back with you in my arms, to kiss you and get lost in your eyes because you are my world and I love you more than the mostest.
Always and Forever

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