Wednesday 28 December 2016

Walking On Eggshells

Have you ever been in love before? When all you can think about and do is just about one person. I have found myself in that situation. Now the thing is this, I used to abuse people for being what I am now but I find myself doing all these things. I met this amazing lady who has changed the way I look at things now.

She is my breath of fresh air. I see my entire future with no one else but her. I know I walk on eggshells sometimes but the truth is I get scared. Scared that someone is going to make you happier than I do, scared that someone will see all the things I see in you and want it all for themselves. The truth is this I have never felt this way before and it scares me a lot and that’s the truth. But here is my reality I am in love with you M. Yes, I’m scared but I feel like it makes me the perfect candidate. Babe, I’m in love with you and I will fight every day to show you that you made the right choice. You fill my life with so much joy. You are a rare gem. Writing this now and I remember when I used to feel worthless with myself and you telling me it was not right for me to feel that way. Who knew you will be the one to fill up the void and make me feel better about myself.

Here is the thing; I made a promise to you some time ago and I just want to remind you. I will love you each day more than I did the previous day because you have given me more than I have ever wished for or wanted. I promise that I will always take care of you, I will fight for you, I will love you, I already like for you to see you smile and happy. I prayed to the Big Guy and he gave me more than I asked for.
You are my lover, my best friend, my confidant, my girlfriend, my wife, the mother of my two kids, my heartbeat, my soul, my air, my cuddle bear, my annoying partner, my caring lady, my thoughtful queen. I can go on what you are to me.

I love you endlessly and I will continue to love you. So brace yourself Wifey because you are STUCK... with me
Always and Forever

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