Saturday 31 December 2016

Counting Down...

I can never get tired of you saying or writing those 3 words. I have never had to use those 3 words before until you came into my life. As I sit here getting ready to get for the crossover, all I can do is think about how the year has gone.

365 days ago, I wrote the 3 things I wanted for 2016 and love was the last on the list because I didn’t expect it to happen. I didn’t think that in my wildest dreams I will find love. I always felt it was exaggerated, it only exists in novels or movies then I met you. Now let me tell you this, I felt like I was way out of your league, felt like how will the world’s most beautiful lady even look at me. Here is the thing, for some weird reason we started talking. I couldn’t understand how God had made someone like this. I always felt like no one can be this perfect and complete but there I was looking and listening to you. For every conversation, we had I got to understand that all the scars were because of the past. I couldn’t understand how someone will have perfection and want something else.

As everyday went by and I got to know you I made a promise to myself that regardless of the outcome I will do my best to heal the wounds. To be honest I had no idea how I will do that as I was broken and damaged myself. But I found out that the more I tried to heal your wound and how you that the world still has good in it, I was getting repaired as well. Is it not weird how two incomplete pieces can all of a sudden become whole again? I got to know you and I fell in love with you. Yes, I know I’ve never used it before but you made me understand love. I look at you and I see everything I want in a best friend, a lover, a wife and the mother of my kids. You made me understand that love is a decision and you have to be ready to fight for it.

So as 2016 ends in a few hours, I want you to know that you are the reason this year has being amazing. I have memories with you that I think about and I am filled with so much joy and happiness. I think about the fights and arguments we have had and I am saying “Damn that was silly” Thank you for coming into my life and filling it with so much happiness. Thank you for making me understand and experience love. Thank you for creating memories that will last me a lifetime and we can share with our kids.

Here is to 2017 and beyond, may we create more memories that will fill our lives with happiness, joy and love. May our love grow stronger each passing day. May we spend forever one day as one and wife. I will never get tired of telling you this; you are my everything, my life, my world, my soul, my air. I will always love you… I love you more than the mostest… I love you today, more tomorrow and even more forever. See you in 2017.
Always and Forever

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