Wednesday 28 December 2016

Officially Missing You

Dear M.m, 

It's been five days since you've been gone. I don't know how I've been surviving. I've been walking around, putting on a brave front, but I'm dying on the inside. It's almost like someone pulled out my lungs and left me for dead. My heart is heavy, my chest feels engorged, I'm gasping for air.
I don't know what to do with myself, I don't want to get out of bed. I'm trying to be okay, but the truth is; I'm not. I miss you so much it hurts. I feel so lost and alone. The other half of me is gone. I'm like an incomplete puzzle whose box was short a few key pieces. I want to cry, but I feel like an empty well.
It sucks so much that we didn't get to spend our first Christmas together. I totally understand, but it sucks all the same. My Christmas was missing it's merry. It was like santa died and the whole North Pole was in mourning.
But yeah, like we said, we have many more christmases to spend together.
I would do absolutely anything to be able snuggle next to you right now, 
bury my head in your chest and interlock my fingers with yours. 
To be able to look up at you and smile whenever I want to.
To be able to lean up and kiss you whenever I want to. 
To be able to tell you how I feel whenever I want to.

M.m, you are my air, my joy, my laughter, my kryptonite.
You are the greatest gift I could ever receive.
You've completely turned my life upside down and inside out.
You've glued all my shattered pieces together and made me whole again.
You've righted all my wrongs and chased away all my fears.
You've given my life a whole new meaning, and given me a new purpose- To love you all my days.
My heart has found its destiny, my body; it's partner, my soul; it's mate.
I can't wait to see you again and look into your eyes, 
To feel the warmth of your embrace.
I can't wait to start my forever with you.

I'll try my best to survive the next five days.
They'll feel like 5 years, but at least I'll get to be with you at the end of it.
Long distance stucks ass!!!!
Patiently waiting to resume
always and forever.

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