Monday 26 December 2016

On The Road...

It’s the day we hit the road, yesterday was hard because you had family and friends around but I was not there for you. It’s hard to live without you. I am constantly thinking about what you are doing, if you are okay. I miss you babe you have no idea how much. I know it’s not easy for you because I left, leaving you sad and lonely but you are not alone. You are constantly with me as I am with you. You are in my thoughts, my word, everything around me seems to remind me of you. A song, a comment, someone walking or carrying a funny hairdo, everything reminds me about you.

Since I have been home all I talk about is you. I miss you so much. You make me understand what love is. I am so happy to talk about love, you should see me talk about it like we have been married for years but I don’t care I feel like I am married to the most amazing woman in the world. M, I know I embark on this journey to the east *LOL!!! Feeling like a wise man* but you are always with you.

You have given me a new song, a new smile, a new dance. You are my heart, my soul, my everything. I look at you and I see everything; my present, my future. It’s beautiful how we speak the things that be already like our kids, how we plan on disciplining them, their names. Kids I hope you get to read this and it’s simple, I pray you find love like this. Love that overwhelms you, that takes you to a place only you can explain, love that makes your heart smile and race at the same time, love that makes you feel safe, love that gives you so much joy that when you feel sad and lonely you think about the person and then you have joy overflowing, love that feels like the one I have for your mother. I fall in love with her more every day.

For the man, I’m becoming because of you I say thank you. I want to fast forward time so I can get to the part where you are my wife but I feel like that already except for the fact that it’s not yet official. I love you more than the mostest. Thank you for being more than I prayed to God for. Thank you for loving me and letting me into your life. Thank you for all the fights, arguments we have had because I feel like they have made us stronger together. Thank you for being you. 

Always and Forever

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