Monday 31 October 2016

Welcome home

Dear M.m,
I stand here at the airport, waiting for you to come out.
I've missed you so much, I'm so excited to see you; my heart is racing.
 I know I told you I was on my way to "The pace setter" state, bit I couldn't help it. I'm sorry I had to tell a lie. It was a good lie though, and I'm sure the look on your face when you see me will be worth it. 
There were a few glitches and hiccups along the way, but I made it!

I can't wait to see you. To watch you walk out for a bit and then to see your face light up when I jump out at you.

Oh how I've missed you. I love you so much and I'm so relieved to have you back.

I see you now-
That's my cue.
Time to kiss you for real. 

Love always,

Airplane Mode

We are on a transit to the plane, I feel sad I'm leaving but at the same time excited. I'm coming home. Coming home to you babe. I've found it hard all through my stay to say, let's go home because it was not home. M is home. It's 5 days, 4 nights till I see you. I'm those days I feel like I'm at least closer to home. Yesterday was quite emotional for me and I don't know why. I think it's because I'm recounting all the times I've been happy or the times something really good has happened to me. I was counting when I've being shy or scared about anything. I've been happy and scared before you came into my life but this is difficult. I can't seem to put it to words. M, you are my life now, you are my happiness, you are home. I will tell you this all the days of my life, thank you for picking me. I love you to the moon and back. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together, play with our 2 kids, let's make dinner together. Babe, I am so scared but at the same time excited of our future. I love you always and forever, forever and a day.
Always and Forever

Thursday 27 October 2016

I promise

My Dear M.m,
My best friend, I know that God united us with the purpose that we belong together.
I promise to never take one second with you for granted. I will grow with you, believe in you, and be faithful to you, heart, body, mind and soul.
I promise to laugh with you during good times and lift you up during hard times. From this day forward you will never face the joys and trials of life alone.
I promise to always listen to the words you speak, and listen even harder for the ones that you don't.
I promise to take care of our love, as it is once in a lifetime.
May we never forget the first time our eyes met, the first time we said I love you, and how we feel at this very moment.
I will love you all days of my life and as I have given you my hand to hold, I give you my life to keep.

Love always,

Wednesday 26 October 2016

I Can't Wait

Not a day goes by when my mind doesn't think of you, you are the reason behind every joy that has recently been a part of my life. You are the one who made me see the beauty in things. Before you came into my life, I was sad, lost and alone. Then you came in and turned my world around and changed everything for the better.

I cannot thank you enough, all I can do to repay you is to love you wholeheartedly and endlessly. You are every dream of min come true and I love you with all of my heart. Your love has completely changed me for good. You have such an amazing effect on me. Your love is my life, and I need you all the time.

Your love has a comforting effect on me. When I am with you, I want to freeze time and just spend my whole day with you. I can't explain it to anyone, there is a place you take me to that I never want to come out from. When I think about you, I can't help but smile. It's a constant reminder to me of how lucky I am to be with you.

Ever since you came into my life I've been beyond happy, you make me happy in a way no one else can, there's something I've really been wanting to tell you and that is I can't want to roll over at 2am to kiss you and look at your sleeping face, I can't wait to kiss you have a nice day at work, I can't wait to tell you I've picked up takeaway so there is no need for us to get into the kitchen and make dinner.

Most importantly, I want you to know that I love you forever and a day.

Always and Forever

Monday 24 October 2016

For Grandma....

So, I'm dating this guy. 
He is bright 🌞 in every sense of the word. He's luminous and he's the smartest kid on the block.
His πŸ“‘ears are the best, they are cute and provide Intel. 
His πŸ‘€ are so intense, they brighten up my day and give me a view into his soul. 
His πŸ‘…! HisπŸ‘πŸ½, his ✌🏽️!!!🀐. 
His πŸ‘„ make me hungry for kisses every time I look at them. 
His πŸ—£ is like music to my ears.
His heart is made of gold.
Everything about him is perfect.
He's God's 🎁 to me.
I'm so grateful to have him in my life. I learn so much from him, even things about myself. He feeds my soul (and my belly too).
He's so amazing. He treats me like a queen and makes me feel secure.
He makes my head spin and my world go round.
He's my partner in every ramification. he's my⚓️. He's my love, my life, my soulmate, my partner, my baby, my King, my everything.
I love how in sync we are.
My heart is settled, because it has found its home.

Dear Helen
Your son is a special man and I know that it's true,
That he would not be the man I love today if it weren't for you.
You held him in your arms and taught him how to love. 
You have prayed for him and loved him with all your heart.
I promise to always do the same. 
I promise to love and cherish him each and every day.
I'll always stand beside him, for whatever comes our way.
Thank you for trusting me with a piece of your heart.

Raise your glasses to the queen who raised the man of my dreams.
Love, m.

Who Are You Dating?

Image result for writing a letter

So, I got an idea today just by talking to your mum. She asked me who I was dating and I decided to tell her about this lady I was dating at this time. Bear in mind it’s hard for me to describe your mum. Like words always fail me because I think she is ddygdugdugdgdgdgdg. Yes, I can’t describe her but I thought about a few things:

I'm dating this lady. She is the most beautiful person I have seen. She is smart, God fearing and is a CIA agent shhhh please don't tell anyone. She has the most amazing smile and her laughter lights up my world.

My heart races every time I see her and I feel like I'm suffocating when she is away from me. She is short but I like her that way and she likes food the way I do. She is so foreign and intelligent because I have learnt a lot from her. She is caring and her eyes are the only lights that should be left on all year long. Her lips are sweet because my fingers know that "she" is the sweetest candy I've ever had.

The twins are cute; I can play and suck them all day and your bum even though they are not HUGE are perfect for her. Her arms hmmmmm… that's the tricky one because they tend to absorb all the food she eats but they are beautiful and fit perfectly in my arms. Her nose is symmetrical perfect for her face. Her tummy my god, I love them and I can drink off her belly button. Have I told you about her legs, I will lick them all day and her neck will I want to kiss. Her toes and fingers are quite long makes me want to suck on them. This lady I'm dating is my everything. She is God's gift to me. She is the reason everything didn't work out with others because it was the Big Guy's plan to make my life so beautiful She is the best part of my life and I love her

So, that’s the little I can say about your mum because words can’t describe your mum and son you have to learn to love and treat women with respect and my little princess, you are your mother’s daughter so learn all her characteristics and more. Hopefully mummy will tell you guys things about the man she is dating now.

Love, you guys and I love your mum to the moon and back.

Always and Forever

Sunday 23 October 2016

In This Moment

I am here with friends and there are times when they try to get my attention because I zone out. I go to a place where it’s just the both of us.  

I am thinking about you. I miss you a lot. I want to be with you. You are my everything, I want to come back to you. I want to look at you, admire your pretty smile, let’s sit in the car and just talk about random stuff.

I try to think about when I have been this happy and all the time it’s always being with you. 

You are my everything. You are my addiction. I can’t wait to come home. You are my home. Everything's better with you. 

I will always love you.

Always and Forever

Saturday 22 October 2016

... Engraved In My Every Thought

‘I feel like I know her already” they said

I laughed

Those were my friends making fun of me as I’ve been talking all day about you. It’s their fault, they kept talking about men, relationships, love while we were eating. I had to give them a piece of my mind about those things and even those I am wired differently, I had to share my experience. 

After we had spoken for a while, they say wow she is a lucky lady, I blush and they are wondering why. I told them I am the fortunate one because I don’t know how I ended up with such an amazing soul. I tell them she is one of her kind, a special kind, that God makes once in a billion years.
M I miss you every day. It’s funny how I look around hoping I will see you or I observe and think to myself “what will M say if she saw this or that” I can’t believe I will not see you this weekend, see you come out from your house, watch you walk into my car, your pretty smile, your sexy lips, hold your hands, adjust your ring.

I love you babe and I miss you every day. You are my everything, my heart beat, the most beautiful lady I have seen and even my friends here testify. They question me and ask how did you do it. She is too pretty for you. I wonder that too but hey we have each other and I don’t care. I love you baby. I want to fast forward time so I can see you again. 

You are my sunshine and you brighten up my life. I will always love you forever and a day.

Always and Forever


Friday 21 October 2016

Separation Anxiety

You left me- I'm so heart broken.
I know you'll be back in two weeks, but two weeks seems so far away. 
My chest is so heavy, my mind is clouded, vision blurry. 

I miss you- I miss your voice, I miss your smile, I miss your smell, I miss your arms around me, I miss everything about you. I miss you so much. 

Nothing is the same without you. I'm not sleeping well, I can't concentrate on anything, even my food tastes different.
I know you deserve a break and that I encouraged you to go, but now I feel lost. Lost without you- and I'm home sick.

I'm about to leave for Lagos, but there's no excitement in me because I know that I won't get an "I'm on your street" message. I know I'm not going to see you this weekend or hug you, or look into your calming eyes or hold your hand. 
I don't know how I'm going to survive this. My heart aches for you. 

I guess I'll just stay in bed this weekend. Because I don't know what to do with myself. I can't remember what I used to do before we joined forces.

I'll try to always remember that we're under the same sky, looking at the same moon.

Love you to the moon and back baby.
And galaxies beyond.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Sad & Confused

It's 5:40am and I have not slept. My head is aching, my eyes are hurting and yet all I can think about is you. Normally I should be jumping in the shower now to get ready for work but I’m not. I am here thinking of how to make things right. What scares me the most is the fact that I am about to travel and my mind wanders. What if this, what if that, yet all I want is your forgiveness.

I want things to go back to the way they were hours before I let it out. I want to hear your voice, your laughter, I want to feel the warmth of what your voice does to me which is a sense of being home. All I want is you.

What have I done? This feels different. Feel like I have broken the trust we had, feel like this is a York hanged over my neck, I feel so sad, depressed and heavy hearted. This is what it feels like to be in love, when you hurt someone but yet it’s more like you hurt yourself. I am here wondering what I would say to let things get back to normal and I can’t seem to find the words. All I wish for is you can let this go and understand where I am coming from. I had an agreement and I want to put it which makes no sense because it’s costing me my everything.

I love you M always and forever, forever and a day. 

I can't sleep

I did it again. I messed things up. I have been in bed and I cant sleep. I am here thinking why can't you just let things be. For the first time, I feel like this will always hang over us. It's already a bargaining chip but can you blame her. I always cause her pain, why can't I break the rule this once for her. I am here thinking about what I have done in this relationship. I messed things up again. 
I am sorry M. I know it does make sense but I am. It's never been my intention to hurt you but I am okay. I made my choice and I have to live with it. I love you forever and that will never change. As much as I did this, I still want to kiss you and tell you good night, I want to randomly talk about stuff with you but I am scared I damaged the trust so I am here; my thoughts, you, my pain.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

My Reality

When your arms are around me, it feels like home. And right now, I'm homesick. I'm homesick because you are my home and you're far away right now.
You're my desire, my want and my need. Everything else seems to disappear when you come into sight. Like when the sun sets, your eyes are only focused on the vastness and beauty of the sky and everything else fades out of view. That's what it's like to look at you. It's funny how you can dream about what it would be like to have a person for so long, and the moment you get them, you stop dreaming and start living this reality called life. But it's life like you've never lived it before. Everything has changed. Suddenly, you have a reason to get up in the morning and a reason to go to sleep at night, because for once, you can't wait to get up in the morning and do it all over again. 
"What is that reason?", You ask. It's simple; it's you. But it drives deeper than that. To say it's love would be crazy because love is a promise that lasts a lifetime, and this new view of life had only just begun. And the words "I love you" are so jaded and meaningless; until I look at you. You have the look of love on your face. This love that people go through their whole lives searching for. And to wake up today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life knowing that I've found it- That's the greatest reality of all.

Thank you baby for changing my life.
You are my best friend, my teacher, my brother, my mentor, my partner, my love, my man, my King, my life. 
I'll spend the rest of my life loving you.
That's my reality.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Thinking About You...

Image result for thinking about you

I was told that true love comes only once in a lifetime but yet it lasts an eternity. It has the power to crush someone but at the same time I know there’s no one else in the world I will rather be with. There are no words to describe how beautiful you are, or how special you are to me, or my love for you. To put all these things into words would be to define it, to quantify it, which feels like I am putting a limit on how I feel about you. It means I have put a beginning and end to how I feel or I am trying to define it my love for you. Now it makes sense why I couldn’t come up with the words I needed to describe how I feel.

Having you in my life makes every day special. I cherish each and every moment. I wasn’t sure I believed in love till I met you. I wasn’t sure I could make love last at all then I fell in love with you. The memories we have created from the random things to the discoveries, to the spontaneous, I've engraved it in my unpublished thoughts to adorn the pages of my life. Sometimes, I sit and think/write the future in my head I write your name with the ink of happiness and place you everywhere in my future with a longing that begins and ends with the colour of hope and love.

Many a time I strain my mind just to touch your breath. Some days I curve my glance to catch just a glimpse of you, all because somewhere deep in my heart there is a spot no one has ever touched. It is a place reserved for you and you alone. Falling in love with you was easy, everything about you. Your smile, your kindness, your caring heart, your CIA instincts, your smile, your kisses, your touch, everything. I know at first I was scared but now you eased any doubts I had, not about you but about love and giving my heart away to you. I love you forever and always. You are my twin soul, the last piece of my puzzle, my heartbeat, my spontaneous partner, you are my best friend, my lover and mine. 

Yes, you are mine!
Always and Forever


Two hearts intertwined
Different views;
Different dreams;
Different needs;
Different wants;
Bound by a fragile string called LOVE,
Union as willed by GOD,
A journey in life...
May be pounded by the forces of nature,
May be struck by the fiercest lightning,
Yet two hearts bound by a delicate twine
STRONG enough
To stand the test of time.

Two souls bound as one. 
Two bodies as one flesh. 
Two lives woven to each other, separated only by death. 
Strings that bind with passion and commonality. 
All things joined and apart. 
Love, life and laughter intricate parts of the same puzzle. 
Lovers, friends and individuals each part of the other. 
A relationship complex and yet simple.
Two people intertwined.

Two hearts beating in time
With a deep undying love
Two souls intertwined
Love flowing through my soul
Two souls stopped searching
Catching our breaths
Looking into each others eyes
Nothing left to be said
My life has changed since we met
Two diffrent worlds we come from
Your love i will never forget
Our hearts we share as one
As the night darkens the sky
I blow to you a tender kiss
I lay there and cry
Every day and night its you i miss
As our future unfolds
You are the light in me
Your spirit warms away the cold
Your love is my destiny.

“Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will
lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up.
Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

Thank you for being the other strand of our cord. 
And I'm so glad that God is the third strand; binding us together and guiding us on this journey.
I'll love you forever and always.

Monday 17 October 2016

Shhhhh..... Don't Tell

Shhhh…. I have a secret to tell you. So I can’t focus at work. Please don’t judge me, I know it’s Monday but the thing is this. I’ve been thinking about her. I have gone through all my pictures and I realised I stop and stare at her all the time.

She is the most beautiful lady I have seen. I still have those moments where I can’t believe she picked me, a whole me. She is so beautiful it’s hard to explain. Have you ever been in awe to be in someone’s presence? There are times where I just stare at her because I still can’t believe this is real.

So let me tell you a secret. I am in love with the most beautiful lady in the world. I am head over heels and madly in love with her. She is far away yet I can feel her presence around me. Shhhh…. I tell her every time and I will tell her for the rest of my life.

I love you forever and always, infinity and infinity.  

Forever and a Day 

You Are My Everything

I am here thinking about you. Yesterday was beautiful. To see you again after 4 days which felt like forever. Someone asked me yesterday why I love you so much and all I could say was that you are my everything. You kept complaining about how dark or tanned you looked but all I could see was the most beautiful lady I have come across in my life.

Your eyes still light up my world and reading why you love me was beautiful. It inspired me to be more, to do more. I didn't believe I was some of those things but I learnt yesterday my opinion doesn't matter that much to how you feel.

I can't say this enough but I love you baby with all that is in me. I look at you and I see everything I want, everything I live for. I see my future and more with you. It's always hard to express how I feel to you. It's literally taken me 3 days to write this because words always fail me to describe how you make me feel. Someone said to be "DonΓ½ even change" and I wonder why would I change, where am I changing to when I have found what I have been looking for all my life. I found a beautiful lady who is smart, caring, God fearing, I found my best friend, my lover, my confidant, my girlfriend, my CIA partner, my "let's sit at vantage point and observe this people", my lover, my 'let's create a crazy memory here', the one I want to spend my life with, the one I want to take care of our 2 kids, the one I want to have random conversations about the universe at 3am in the morning, the only one I want to keep adjusting the ring for, my silent communicator, my still waters.

I love you and I am grateful for allowing me into your life. Thank you for bringing colour to my life. Thank you for being my everything

Sunday 16 October 2016


The best thing about memories is... Making them!

I want to be the first thing you touch in the morning and the last thing you taste  at night. 

It's in moments like these that I wish I could freeze time.

Thank you for being (and feeding) my addiction.

Friday 14 October 2016

Why I love you

  1. You're extremely sweet          
  2. You're smart 
  3. You put in so much effort 
  4. You like Disney movies too
  5. You're brilliant         
  6. You like to cuddle 
  7. You're funny         
  8. You're ambitious and driven 
  9. You value family 
  10. You make me laugh      
  11. You love the kiddies 
  12. You're a super dork 
  13. You have a great relationship with the Big Guy
  14. You're cute 
  15. You have your head screwed on right 
  16. You're quite handsome πŸ™ˆ
  17. You inspire me
  18. You seek my opinion and input about everything 
  19. You put me first 
  20. You are my CIA partner 
  21. You don't care that I'm a granny 
  22. All your little quirks 
  23. Your attention to detail
  24. Your sincerity 
  25. Your amazing heart 
  26. Your spontaneity 
  27. Your asshole moments 
  28. I love the way you say my name
  29. Your love for me knows no bounds
  30. You're proud of me 
  31. The way you smell 
  32. You are always there for me
  33. You love food as much as I do
  34. I love our "big secret" πŸ˜‰
  35. The way you look at me 
  36. The way your body fits mine perfectly 
  37. You know my thoughts before I speak
  38. Your warm embrace
  39. Your goofiness
  40. Your honesty
  41. Your patience
  42. Your gentleness 
  43. Your kisses
  44. Your thoughtfulness 
  45. You love spending time with me 
  46. Two words- Diaper Duty
  47. I love your OCD
  48. You see right through me 
  49. You protect me
  50. You enwcourage me
  51. You're a great listener
  52. You turn my frowns upside down 
  53. Our silent communication 
  54. You're amazing 
  55. I can tell you anything and everything
  56. You're super sexy and you don't even know it
  57. I can be 100% myself around you
  58. I love it when you straighten my ring
  59. You trust me
  60. Your kisses leave me light headed and gasping for more
  61. The way you make me feel 
  62. You know me so well
  63. You chase my fears away
  64. You cherish me
  65. You tell me I'm beautiful everyday
  66. I love the way you light up every time you see me
  67. The way you touch me 
  68. Your cute tushie 
  70. Your goofy smile  
  71. You're my best friend
  72. You're the perfect gentleman
  73. You're very loveable 
  74. You want the best for me
  75. You don't judge me
  76. You make everything okay 
  77. I love how in sync we are
  78. You're my knight in shining armour
  79. You open door and pull out chairs
  80. You put up with all my B.S
  81. You're my breath of fresh air
  82. You see museums where I see empty hallways 
  83. Mochas!!! ☕️
  84. I can sing 🎢Ifeanyichukwu! Ifeanyichineke 
  85. You make me a priority
  86. You give me foot rubs 
  87. You're my happy place 
  88. You know your way around my body 
  89. You hold my hand 
  90. You embrace my flaws 
  91. You're a great cook
  92. You're the yin to my yang
  93. You're perfectly imperfect 
  94. You remember the little things 
  95. You're already thinking about our future
  96. You're everything I ever wanted- and more
  97. You complete me 
  98. You're... You
  99. You're simply amazing 
  100. And you're all mine!!!!

Homecoming Queen

Image result for home coming
Have you ever been so excited?

Its Friday and she is coming home today. I guess my excitement was too much that I kept waking up all through the night hoping it was day break, checking my phone and the time.
She is home today. I’ve never been this so excited in a while except when she said yes to me.
I can’t wait to see her. I literally have to compose myself and not act like a kid on sugar rush.

I love you so much M.

Today I love you more than yesterday and I woke up this morning feeling thankful.
My prayer this morning was thanking God for bring you into my life, for you choosing me and for loving me.

I can’t wait to see you babe. My love for you is like good wine. Every day, it grows sweeter and I grow happier.

Love You.
                                                                Always and Forever       

Thursday 13 October 2016

Her Voice; The Calm after the Storm

I know I had a terrible day, and she is so far away but yet I feel like she is so close. I was wrong to think that her voice would not do the magic.

I agree with you, the devil is at work but can never steal our joy. Never feel helpless because you are always here for me. Please don't quit work because that's one of the things we will teach our kids- to NEVER be quitters.

Don't you even cry baby. You remember how I told you it never makes sense to me why one person's emotions can affect another person. I understand it now. I'm sorry for making my terrible day affect you and almost bring you to tears. her voice calms me down even when I am upset.

Above all. I am thankful for having you in my life. I don't know what I did to deserve you. Thank you being my support, my rock, my friend, my lover, my peace, my calm, my air, my laughing gas, my everything. I love you everyday, so much more for all these things you are to me.


He's having a terrible day. A terrible week even. And I can't be there for him. I feel so helpless, so useless. 
I want to hold him and kiss him and tell him everything will be okay. 

Now I'm certain the devil is at work. But once again he will be defeated.

I just want to run back to him. Screw everything else. No job is worth this pain. 

Baby please be okay, at least until tomorrow when I can look in to your eyes and kiss your sorrows away.

I miss you baby. I can't wait for this hell to be over!
Being away from you sucks in epic proportions. 
This can't be life.
I feel the tears welling, fuelled by this overwhelming despondency.
Only God can help me now.


Why do I feel so lost? Is it because everything all of a sudden seems to be falling apart. My planned trip, the magazine, the fact that you are miles away. Why do I feel so lost? I need you, is that too much to ask for. Why can’t the world just get it and fall in line. Why does it have to be so hard to see you, to hold you, to kiss you, to just be around you. Why?

For the first time, I feel like chatting and talking to you is not enough. I want you M. For the first time, I feel so angry to be here, nothing seems to cheer me up. I need a dose or maybe a permanent  dose of you. I feel lost. I just want to be in your silence, to see your pretty eyes and your smile that seems to change everything. Why do I feel so lost? I need you Muffin. I don’t care about anything. Today feels like a bad day. How will I survive today? You are right, I need a holiday but is it crazy I want it with you. I want everything with you. Why do I feel so lost? How can I survive this, you are my strength, my weakness and my everything. You are my air and I feel like right now I am not breathing. Why do I feel so lost?

I love you M. I need you M. I want you M.

That’s all I want. Is it too much to ask? Why do I feel so lost?  I feel empty like only you can fill this void. Why do I feel so lost?