Friday 14 October 2016

Why I love you

  1. You're extremely sweet          
  2. You're smart 
  3. You put in so much effort 
  4. You like Disney movies too
  5. You're brilliant         
  6. You like to cuddle 
  7. You're funny         
  8. You're ambitious and driven 
  9. You value family 
  10. You make me laugh      
  11. You love the kiddies 
  12. You're a super dork 
  13. You have a great relationship with the Big Guy
  14. You're cute 
  15. You have your head screwed on right 
  16. You're quite handsome 🙈
  17. You inspire me
  18. You seek my opinion and input about everything 
  19. You put me first 
  20. You are my CIA partner 
  21. You don't care that I'm a granny 
  22. All your little quirks 
  23. Your attention to detail
  24. Your sincerity 
  25. Your amazing heart 
  26. Your spontaneity 
  27. Your asshole moments 
  28. I love the way you say my name
  29. Your love for me knows no bounds
  30. You're proud of me 
  31. The way you smell 
  32. You are always there for me
  33. You love food as much as I do
  34. I love our "big secret" 😉
  35. The way you look at me 
  36. The way your body fits mine perfectly 
  37. You know my thoughts before I speak
  38. Your warm embrace
  39. Your goofiness
  40. Your honesty
  41. Your patience
  42. Your gentleness 
  43. Your kisses
  44. Your thoughtfulness 
  45. You love spending time with me 
  46. Two words- Diaper Duty
  47. I love your OCD
  48. You see right through me 
  49. You protect me
  50. You enwcourage me
  51. You're a great listener
  52. You turn my frowns upside down 
  53. Our silent communication 
  54. You're amazing 
  55. I can tell you anything and everything
  56. You're super sexy and you don't even know it
  57. I can be 100% myself around you
  58. I love it when you straighten my ring
  59. You trust me
  60. Your kisses leave me light headed and gasping for more
  61. The way you make me feel 
  62. You know me so well
  63. You chase my fears away
  64. You cherish me
  65. You tell me I'm beautiful everyday
  66. I love the way you light up every time you see me
  67. The way you touch me 
  68. Your cute tushie 
  70. Your goofy smile  
  71. You're my best friend
  72. You're the perfect gentleman
  73. You're very loveable 
  74. You want the best for me
  75. You don't judge me
  76. You make everything okay 
  77. I love how in sync we are
  78. You're my knight in shining armour
  79. You open door and pull out chairs
  80. You put up with all my B.S
  81. You're my breath of fresh air
  82. You see museums where I see empty hallways 
  83. Mochas!!! ☕️
  84. I can sing 🎶Ifeanyichukwu! Ifeanyichineke 
  85. You make me a priority
  86. You give me foot rubs 
  87. You're my happy place 
  88. You know your way around my body 
  89. You hold my hand 
  90. You embrace my flaws 
  91. You're a great cook
  92. You're the yin to my yang
  93. You're perfectly imperfect 
  94. You remember the little things 
  95. You're already thinking about our future
  96. You're everything I ever wanted- and more
  97. You complete me 
  98. You're... You
  99. You're simply amazing 
  100. And you're all mine!!!!

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