Wednesday 5 October 2016

Normal meets Extraordinary

So I'm just a normal kid. A kid who has always loved life and wanted the best. A kid who is happy and what's to make other people happy. Don't get it wrong, I'm not perfect, I have enormous flaws. I made my mistakes, lost my path and I'm lucky to have found it again after almost getting drowned. 
Like someone with a bit of experience, I've tried to go through life feeling everything involved with it; the fights, the laughs, the parties, alcohol, love, you can go on. I met people, different ladies and like a normal kid I opened up and I get in a relationship but people take my gentleness and kindness for weakness and  they use, drop and throw you away. Leaving you broken, untrusting and tired. So just to have my sanity, I behave like a normal kid and close myself out to anything. Ladies will use me I say, why open up. The truth is this I could get back and be reckless but I chose not to but then I encounter extraordinary. It's new because I'm used to normal. She is just sitting across me with her sample jersey and I stared and made sure she doesn't see me stare. The thing about extraordinary is you don't need to force it. So pardon me if I say there was no way she an extraordinary being could see me. So I just stayed and admired because I've never seen such extraordinary before. It was so new, like an illiterate admiring how the light switch turns on the bulb. The beauty about the world is its is round for a reason and that's why no matter how normal the world is, an extraordinary comet must at some point come in contact with each other. The thing about them coming together is something amazing is bounded to happen. 
That was what happened when we talked, I can't explain it. The first conversation was me speaking into our lives unconsciously. I knew in that moment I always wanted to experience and feel this. I felt scared but excited at the same time, I love this feeling. Its the unexplainable, don't think the dictionary has the word to describe it. Since I encountered this, i realised that she is the most amazing and extraordinary woman I have met in my life. I got lucky and I was chosen. Truth is this I want to wake up to this, I want extraordinary. She is extraordinary and I am madly, stupidly, head over heels, obsessed with you M.  

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