Monday 31 October 2016

Airplane Mode

We are on a transit to the plane, I feel sad I'm leaving but at the same time excited. I'm coming home. Coming home to you babe. I've found it hard all through my stay to say, let's go home because it was not home. M is home. It's 5 days, 4 nights till I see you. I'm those days I feel like I'm at least closer to home. Yesterday was quite emotional for me and I don't know why. I think it's because I'm recounting all the times I've been happy or the times something really good has happened to me. I was counting when I've being shy or scared about anything. I've been happy and scared before you came into my life but this is difficult. I can't seem to put it to words. M, you are my life now, you are my happiness, you are home. I will tell you this all the days of my life, thank you for picking me. I love you to the moon and back. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together, play with our 2 kids, let's make dinner together. Babe, I am so scared but at the same time excited of our future. I love you always and forever, forever and a day.
Always and Forever

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