Monday 17 October 2016

You Are My Everything

I am here thinking about you. Yesterday was beautiful. To see you again after 4 days which felt like forever. Someone asked me yesterday why I love you so much and all I could say was that you are my everything. You kept complaining about how dark or tanned you looked but all I could see was the most beautiful lady I have come across in my life.

Your eyes still light up my world and reading why you love me was beautiful. It inspired me to be more, to do more. I didn't believe I was some of those things but I learnt yesterday my opinion doesn't matter that much to how you feel.

I can't say this enough but I love you baby with all that is in me. I look at you and I see everything I want, everything I live for. I see my future and more with you. It's always hard to express how I feel to you. It's literally taken me 3 days to write this because words always fail me to describe how you make me feel. Someone said to be "DonĂ½ even change" and I wonder why would I change, where am I changing to when I have found what I have been looking for all my life. I found a beautiful lady who is smart, caring, God fearing, I found my best friend, my lover, my confidant, my girlfriend, my CIA partner, my "let's sit at vantage point and observe this people", my lover, my 'let's create a crazy memory here', the one I want to spend my life with, the one I want to take care of our 2 kids, the one I want to have random conversations about the universe at 3am in the morning, the only one I want to keep adjusting the ring for, my silent communicator, my still waters.

I love you and I am grateful for allowing me into your life. Thank you for bringing colour to my life. Thank you for being my everything

1 comment:

  1. I love you too baby.
    Nothing and no one can ever take your place.
    You're that crucial missing piece to my puzzle and the picture finally makes sense.
