Wednesday 26 October 2016

I Can't Wait

Not a day goes by when my mind doesn't think of you, you are the reason behind every joy that has recently been a part of my life. You are the one who made me see the beauty in things. Before you came into my life, I was sad, lost and alone. Then you came in and turned my world around and changed everything for the better.

I cannot thank you enough, all I can do to repay you is to love you wholeheartedly and endlessly. You are every dream of min come true and I love you with all of my heart. Your love has completely changed me for good. You have such an amazing effect on me. Your love is my life, and I need you all the time.

Your love has a comforting effect on me. When I am with you, I want to freeze time and just spend my whole day with you. I can't explain it to anyone, there is a place you take me to that I never want to come out from. When I think about you, I can't help but smile. It's a constant reminder to me of how lucky I am to be with you.

Ever since you came into my life I've been beyond happy, you make me happy in a way no one else can, there's something I've really been wanting to tell you and that is I can't want to roll over at 2am to kiss you and look at your sleeping face, I can't wait to kiss you have a nice day at work, I can't wait to tell you I've picked up takeaway so there is no need for us to get into the kitchen and make dinner.

Most importantly, I want you to know that I love you forever and a day.

Always and Forever

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