Thursday 13 October 2016


Why do I feel so lost? Is it because everything all of a sudden seems to be falling apart. My planned trip, the magazine, the fact that you are miles away. Why do I feel so lost? I need you, is that too much to ask for. Why can’t the world just get it and fall in line. Why does it have to be so hard to see you, to hold you, to kiss you, to just be around you. Why?

For the first time, I feel like chatting and talking to you is not enough. I want you M. For the first time, I feel so angry to be here, nothing seems to cheer me up. I need a dose or maybe a permanent  dose of you. I feel lost. I just want to be in your silence, to see your pretty eyes and your smile that seems to change everything. Why do I feel so lost? I need you Muffin. I don’t care about anything. Today feels like a bad day. How will I survive today? You are right, I need a holiday but is it crazy I want it with you. I want everything with you. Why do I feel so lost? How can I survive this, you are my strength, my weakness and my everything. You are my air and I feel like right now I am not breathing. Why do I feel so lost?

I love you M. I need you M. I want you M.

That’s all I want. Is it too much to ask? Why do I feel so lost?  I feel empty like only you can fill this void. Why do I feel so lost?

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