Monday 3 October 2016


We are always asked what we are grateful for; I always say life, family and friends. 
I feel like that has changed for me now. I am not saying I am not grateful for all these things now, I am just saying I have a clearer mindset about things now. 

I am grateful for ladies that said "No" to me, grateful for the ladies who took advantage of me, I am grateful for the exes because they taught me something or in some cases more than something. I am grateful for my sister because she keeps me grounded in ways she doesn't understand. Grateful for my gran because she made me understand the idea of love and giving into love, grateful for my mum because if she didn’t almost drown me, I would not be the man I am today, for mother of 4 because she told me to enjoy every day and go for it regardless of how the past has been.

I’m grateful for my dad because of all the unspoken things he has taught me, my brother because he taught me to be observant. To DJ because he let me understand that there was no competition and I was competing with only myself. To LJ because she kind off of saw the whole thing even before I even realised that I was head over and madly in love with you. I am grateful for your bloodline because all I see its beauty, soul and brains. For your parents because they raised an amazing lady, for your exes because- loooool!!! look who is laughing now. They had no idea what they had. For the other guy; for making me competitive and the other other guy; for realising late what he had lost. For the experiences you had because it made you into the woman you are now.

I look at you and I am grateful you are in my life, grateful that God sent and gave you to me. Grateful that I waited, fought and ended up with you. I am grateful for your thoughtfulness, care, compassion, love, wisdom, prayerfulness, beauty, meanness, I can go on, but hey all I can say is thank you for choosing me, thank you for finally looking in the shadows and seeing this kid. Thank you of making me better. Thank you for loving me.

I made you a promise to love you more every day and make you feel like everything you have been through was just preparing you for the kind of love you can’t contain. I love you M.
-         M.M.  

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