Friday 14 October 2016

Homecoming Queen

Image result for home coming
Have you ever been so excited?

Its Friday and she is coming home today. I guess my excitement was too much that I kept waking up all through the night hoping it was day break, checking my phone and the time.
She is home today. I’ve never been this so excited in a while except when she said yes to me.
I can’t wait to see her. I literally have to compose myself and not act like a kid on sugar rush.

I love you so much M.

Today I love you more than yesterday and I woke up this morning feeling thankful.
My prayer this morning was thanking God for bring you into my life, for you choosing me and for loving me.

I can’t wait to see you babe. My love for you is like good wine. Every day, it grows sweeter and I grow happier.

Love You.
                                                                Always and Forever       

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