Tuesday 11 October 2016

Milk Factory.....Bring Back My Air #BBMA

It’s funny that she thinks that I show up at an ungodly hour to pray for her. The thing is this, I get excited to wake up that early to pray for her. It’s a reminder to me of how I want our home to be. We pray together and love God together. I like how we are already speaking into our future referring to “our home” or “dear future wife”
She said to me she wants to be better for me. Guys do you remember when I told you she was extraordinary; she is already the best thing that happened to me. She was everything even before she saw me.
The milk factory decided to ship her off again. I am upset but hey, she is an hour away- better than them shipping her to the north or the plateau.
I am trying not to think about it, but it’s so hard. Have you ever imagined holding your breath for 10 minutes? that’s how I feel when I try not to think about her. She is my everything, my air.
I miss you so much. I can’t wait for her to get back and I know that even if she is only here for a few days, I will cherish it.
I love you so much baby. I can’t wait to have you back, get to see you, hold you, hug you till you are out of breath, kiss you (damn you're the sweetest). You are the missing piece in my jigsaw puzzle and I pray every day that we have a lifetime to spend with each other where we can raise baby muffins. I will always love you M. 
                                                                                                                                                                Forever and a Day


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