Friday 21 October 2016

Separation Anxiety

You left me- I'm so heart broken.
I know you'll be back in two weeks, but two weeks seems so far away. 
My chest is so heavy, my mind is clouded, vision blurry. 

I miss you- I miss your voice, I miss your smile, I miss your smell, I miss your arms around me, I miss everything about you. I miss you so much. 

Nothing is the same without you. I'm not sleeping well, I can't concentrate on anything, even my food tastes different.
I know you deserve a break and that I encouraged you to go, but now I feel lost. Lost without you- and I'm home sick.

I'm about to leave for Lagos, but there's no excitement in me because I know that I won't get an "I'm on your street" message. I know I'm not going to see you this weekend or hug you, or look into your calming eyes or hold your hand. 
I don't know how I'm going to survive this. My heart aches for you. 

I guess I'll just stay in bed this weekend. Because I don't know what to do with myself. I can't remember what I used to do before we joined forces.

I'll try to always remember that we're under the same sky, looking at the same moon.

Love you to the moon and back baby.
And galaxies beyond.

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