Thursday 13 October 2016

Her Voice; The Calm after the Storm

I know I had a terrible day, and she is so far away but yet I feel like she is so close. I was wrong to think that her voice would not do the magic.

I agree with you, the devil is at work but can never steal our joy. Never feel helpless because you are always here for me. Please don't quit work because that's one of the things we will teach our kids- to NEVER be quitters.

Don't you even cry baby. You remember how I told you it never makes sense to me why one person's emotions can affect another person. I understand it now. I'm sorry for making my terrible day affect you and almost bring you to tears. her voice calms me down even when I am upset.

Above all. I am thankful for having you in my life. I don't know what I did to deserve you. Thank you being my support, my rock, my friend, my lover, my peace, my calm, my air, my laughing gas, my everything. I love you everyday, so much more for all these things you are to me.

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